In Prontera Kingdonm, a fighting competition is held regularly to pit fighters from all across the continent against fearsome monsters that haven’t been seen before and the warrior who defeats all monsters will fight against the champion of the previous competition. The champion of the competition receives a title ‘Einherjar”, the name of an ancient warrior who fought against the demons many years ago
Type: Raid Dungeon
Main Article on NPCs
Level | Monster Name | Level | Monster Name |
Level | Monsters |
??? | Gearbaz |
??? | Entraion |
??? | Xeno Spider |
??? | Pertus |
??? | Vadon X |
??? | Vadon Z |
??? | Giant Driller |
??? | Lagan of Determination |
??? | Prana of Purification |
??? | Emuriel of Penetration |
??? | Embus of Ruin |
??? | Rosario of Bloodred |